80m operation

Today I rebuilt antenna set-up. 160m is no more on the air. The same mast is now used for 80m. Measurements show good SWR on FT8 part of the band. Please notice that I will use Fox/Hound mode on 3569 kHz.

Probably I will make attempt for little SSB operation around 3605 as SWR there is acceptable.

Mostly I will be on 80m about 11:00 – 13:00 UTC and 18:00 – 19:30 UTC.

9 thoughts on “80m operation”

  1. Janusz pisałem maila że się spotkamy na 3799, ale tu się doczytałem że nasz dobry swr na 3605, więc to będę nasłuchiwał

  2. Janusz,
    Dzekujemy bardzo za lacznosci na 160 oraz 80m FT8.
    Bardzo dobrze odbierali cie w KN18.
    Pozdrowienia ze Lwowa
    73/88 Helena UR5WA i Wiktor US5WE

  3. lotw upload more helpful to many of us. Appreciate your consideration.

    Donations very appropriate and I will of course be making a nice one.

    73 and great sigs Jan.

  4. Janusz ,

    Allready being on Norfolk as VK9NG appreciate our perfect job done on all bands!
    I see – you have one month of sleepless nights…. allways on the bands by any possible opening.
    Worked you with verticals and 100w only on 4 bands including 80 m! Greate pleasure
    Keep your style!


  5. Thanks for 30m QSO, it was ATNO for me. Now hope to catch you maybe on 40/80. 100W and Windom here.
    73 and take care

  6. Thanks so much for 15 and 40 meters. Both new band counties… Already sent for your QSL. I’ll try and
    hunt you down on 80 meters, also a new band.. Thanks agn. Janusz GUD DX and 73 my friend Dave KZ8Y

      1. Hi Janusz;
        Well I worked you this morning on 80.. Will be sending to you by OQRS for the 17 and 80 meter qsos.. Thanks so much . All the best GUD DX and 73 from cold Ohio.. Dave KZ8Y

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