New babies were born

Because almost nobody calls me, in my free time, I built a new antenna for 20m – 3 elements vertical. Please note the director on the right – branches found in the forest are used as the mast.

After few requests for 6m I mounted 3 elements wire vertical at 8m above ground. We will see if conditions allow to make some contacts on “magic band”.

9 thoughts on “New babies were born”

      1. ПРИВЕТ, ЯНУШ ! РАД ЧИТАТЬ ! рекомендую АНТ. ,,BOB TAIL ” для 40мтр-БОМБА ! я практиковал два вертикала и очень доволен !!!!! Как ты на Норфолке ? имею 5 qsl от VK9NS ( 1981-83) ОЧЕНЬ хорошие твои фото ! Желаю здравия ! RN9RI

        1. Спасибо за письмо Анатолии,
          Я использую здесь 3 элемента вертикаль на 40 м. Он проще по конструкции, чем Боб Tail. Теоретическое усиление 4 dBi

          1. Привет Януш,привет Норфолк ! а можно посмотреть конструкцию ? уж проще моего варианта нет : П-образный волновой диполь в угол запитан (88ом входное сопротивление ) на двух деревянных ,, мачтах ” 12метров ; 4дб усиление 20градусов излучение ; прохождение плохое ,как ситуация с COVID-19 ? ЖЕЛАЮ ЗДРАВИЯ ! RN9RI

  1. Greetins Janusz – VK9NK
    My name is Tom B. working from the very rural Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia, USA. TNX for
    the QSO last night around 06:37 UTC on FT8, 40 meter band. I have only been working digital for about
    6 weeks now and it has been a challenging experience for me. I have one friend in my area who does HF
    with me and we just work 100 watt stations when we are not busy with other projects. We don’t work
    together but we do call each other when we hear contacts out there that are of interest to either or both
    of us. It is rare when I make a contact with stations in VK or NZ zones and I really appreciate the QSO on FT8 with you last night which would have been late afternoon or evening for you.
    I looked through most of your photos from your QTH area and really like the seascapes and flowers from that area. I do a lot of outdoor photography in the area mountains and we have many native orchid and rare plant species which I enjoy photographing and making yearly notations of the species
    found and in what numbers and specific locations in which they show up. We have some very rare
    species which grow in my area, some of which do not grow any other places in the whole USA or grow
    very sparsely if at all. It is a very rewarding to me and the few amateur botanists who participate in
    chasing down these rare beauties. Right now we have the “Large Purple Fringed Orchids” in bloom
    and they just spectacular! My Qsl card sports a couple of “Three Birds Orchids” in bloom in August and these only bloom for one day each year in large groups and there are usually 4 or 5 flowering periods each year. So we have a few days spread out each year in August to find and photograph them and they
    disappear for another year. The plants are so small and fragile a medium rainfall will knock most of the petals from the flowers and ruin any photographic possibilities for that day. Fortunately August is
    our driest month of the year and the rain doesn’t get to them very often. It is amazing how nature
    tends to grow the most fragile flowering orchids in the driest month in order to give them a chance to
    get pollinated and continue their growth cycle!
    Well – so much for the chat about our rare flowers. I will not be doing any field day activities this year
    due to all the limitations due to Covid 19 virus and because I have a couple of botanical friends who are
    visiting my area the next 2 days for orchid and rare plant chases and they will really enjoy the “Purple
    Fringed Orchids” and I have already seen around 50 new plants blooming in the eastern mountains
    this past week which is very significant considering several species are failing due to the global warming and wetter and drier periods in various months which change every year we can’t really do
    anything but take note of the changes and just sit back and watch some of the species fad e away.
    I hope to hear you on phone or see you again on digital soon and also I am hoping to get a card from you sometime in the distant future for our QSO on FT8. I read your QRZ page and will not attempt to
    send any direct cards to your home QTH. I do have a Paypal account and perhaps I can arrange to cover
    your postage expense through them and get a card from you for our QSO! I would be happy to send you a card direct if you believe you would receive it without any green stamps enclosed.
    One more note: I have a web site with many West Virginia sights and scenes including many orchids
    from my area and the URL is: http://WWW.PBASE.COM/RICHWOODER. There around 3,500 images and 38
    galleries on there and no charges or requirements of any kind are necessary to check out my site.
    There are no radio or antenna related photos on this site – my camera is the only technology there.
    Please have a look when you have a spare moment and it would be my honor to have you visit the site!

    73s, Tom – WV8CQ

  2. Спасибо Януш ! мой вариант проще и КПД выше ; а если три вертикала BOB TAIL это 6,5 дб при 20 градусах ; ну да на месте виднее… Всех благ ! RN9RI

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