As I am operating all amateur bands , there is no much time to check 160m. However I will try to be there about 11-12 UTC and again during my sunrise time – about 18:10 UTC. Maybe not every day but you must be patient and monitor frequency. About 11 UTC I will transmit on 1840 kHz and at sunrise I will try to be on 1836 kHz.
Hi Janusz,
Will, AA4NC, and I will be on Norfolk Island for three nights. We arrive from Auckland on Friday, 21 February. We depart on Monday for Sydney. We are visiting 8 DXCC entities in the South Pacific. We look forward to meeting you during our stay. ….. Ron, AA4VK
Will be nice to have eyeboll QSO. Probably time about 10-14 local is the best as propagation on amateur bands is marginal that time.
Mam VK9N na wszystkich pasmach ale tylko CW.. poluję na Ciebie na SSB. Na dowolnym paśmie aczkolwiek najchętniej na 160m. Może w ten weekend?
73, Waldek N4PL
ByÅ‚oby miÅ‚o na 160m, ale watpie. Wogóle propagacja na US jest gorsza niż na EU. Masz wieksze doÅ›wiadczenie to coÅ› zaproponuj. Mnie siÄ™ wydaje, że najpewniejsze jest miÄ™dzy 18-19 UTC na 20m, a może okoÅ‚o 6:30 na 40m …?
Hi Janusz,
thank you for my DXCC #336 on 15m. Look for you on 160m but please avoid 1840 (use 1836 or 1908) because here is always somebody in Europe calling CQ on top of DX-stations.
Hope to work you on 160m for a new one also!
73 Wolf, OE2VEL
Great Operation!!!
Wkd u on 160m TOP BAND…czesc bye
de Henry DG1VL